Thursday, August 27, 2020
Computational Business Decision Intelligence †
Question: Talk about the Computational Business Decision Intelligence. Answer: Presentation Information Analysis (DA) portrays the procedure which use grouped instruments close by strategies created for enquiring reachable information, deciding exemption, nearby validating theory. It is included reports and inquiries, oversaw inquiry condition close by OLAP and related variations. DA stays a vital strategy for the information advancement from gigantic information amounts gathered and put away every day. A business needs a viable devices choice strategy for DA. It is that adequacy which ensures similar qualities of the instruments required by business (Yang, Pinsonneault Hsieh, 2017). An authority of how instruments are utilized and resultant crowd is an or more to the association. The requirements of clients of Internet close by portable clients other than power clients must be considered nearby the appraisal of clients information and aptitudes and the degree of preparing expected to gain the main profitability from such instruments. Information Mining (DM) depicts the way toward removing information, examination of information from measurements, close by the creation of data rundown in a helpful manner that recognizes the relationship inside the information (Trieu, 2017). Two sorts of information mining incorporate elucidating; which gives data identifying with the accessible information and prescient; which gives projections dependent on information. The strategy expected for this examination is deliberate survey of winning information on the hidden theme. The specialist utilized web to choose the articles which were then evaluated to gather information. The examination configuration was fundamentally exploratory subjective exploration. A sum of 12 friend looked into articles were chosen and along these lines checked on. Information cleaning just as expurgation was led to destroy the information that covered. The examination received was a topical one. DA and DM devices were in this manner used to perform examination in this manner changing over the information into valuable data to clients. Job of Data Analysis Tools and Data Mining The instruments for Data Mining utilize a scope of strategies including propelled insights nearby neural systems in this way allowing the assurance of patterns or examples unmistakable in information and along these lines check speculation. Information Analytic apparatuses, for example, insightful devices and OLAP variations assess information, accept association assurance, and therefore execute theory testing interfacing with information. The Data Analytic apparatuses suffer to grow other than develop inside this foundation, with the comprehensive goalmouth of enlarging BI, updating choice assessment, and, moreover, as of late, improves work process advancement. Information investigation utilizes the straightforward test close by announcing, examination measurably, multi-layered investigation multidimensionality and information mining. The association likewise utilizes information examination nearby information mining as key subsets of BI that further, consolidates Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), information warehousing just as frameworks of database the executives to change over the information gathered from clients to drive their vital objectives. The association additionally utilize these advances in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to examine patterns and designs and questioning databases to give bits of knowledge into understanding their clients. The association use DM and DA instruments to look and consequently break down enormous measure of information subsequently finding valuable patterns and examples and connections. The association at that point utilize these connections in the forecast of up and coming conduct. The association presently utilize this instruments to show up at valuable evaluations which help in proposing that the amount of novel data twofold at a timespan years. These data must be broke down to guarantee the association is important and exceptional. The association additionally profits by the information stowed in the information archive. This is information gathered from fluctuated bases consequently making the association to settle on information sponsored choices. When dissected, the information is executed appropriately to accelerate the accomplishment of the key objectives. These apparatuses help the association to refresh the data and store them in the distribution center. The supervisors are thus empowered to extricate information for the assessment of data about purchasing propensities for clients, activities and items. Moral Implications The examination has uncovered different moral issues in regards to the information assortment, stockpiling and insurance specifically databases. Associations accumulate and store a fortune of information about clients in relating databases. The outcomes indicated that three classes of duties shape the moral ramifications. These classes involve (I) firms moral duties to its accommodating clients, (ii) laborers moral obligations to firm and its acclimating demographics and (iii) clients moral obligations to the firm. The organizations moral duties to demographics rotates around social affair exclusively fundamental information from the customers, fittingly securing client information, restricting sharing of client information, and expurgating mistakes in the buyer information. The representatives moral duties is to evade perusing by means of records of information and customer except if it is required by needs and not offering the customer information to enemies, and never disclosing customer information to attendant gatherings. The moral obligations of the client identifies with their arrangement of information to the association they manage. Such client duties to the association will involve arrangement of exact just as complete information where the information is fundamental, just as propagation of the commitment of not uncovering or utilizing the business information they approach (Marjanovic Dinter, 2017). The organizations information experts who use web examiners through computerized estimation devices, for example, Google on the sites of their client must have their Web Analysts Code of Ethics followed severely. The experts need to connect just with foundations that keep their information classified, confined and protected (Vidal-Garca, Vidal Barros, 2017). The organizations must convey full disclosure of their adjusting buyer information use practices to their individual clients, including if and when such information is offered to outsider dealers. The morals for information buyers should in like manner be followed where certain organizations buy information from additional sources in characterizing promoting procedures, focuses of deals and acumen of costs. Conversation The expanding amount of information under the contemporary age per annum make agreeability of helpful data from such information continuously basic. The information put away in the information distribution center is the information vault amassed from abundant sources like dense data from inside frameworks, corporate databases and information from outer sources (Shen et al., 2017). Instruments for information investigation and mining use quantitative assessment, affirmation of example and pattern, bunch examination, connection revelation and connections to play out the investigation of information. These apparatuses play out the investigation with minor or no IT intercessions. The result data is progressively introduced to a specific client in the structure that is promptly understandable. Inquiries and reports, OLAP other than its variations have gotten valuable to supervisors. DM backs this investigative devices since it creates patterns and examples important for up and coming examination. The information insurance standards must be clung to harshly. 8 standards of defending information must be obeyed by individuals who process information. The examiners must be decently and legitimately handled and utilized for confined purposes. Information must be agreeable, relevant and non-unreasonable and exact (Visinescu, Jones Sidorova, 2017). The information should never be put away longer than would normally be appropriate and prepared dependent on clients rights. The information must be secure and never shipped to nations without sufficient insurance. The clients who give information probably educated assent. They should have agreeable data to settle on self-sufficient decision of whether to share that is worried about a comprehension of the dangers and options in condition which is liberated from impulse. The possible choices of the clients on the issue of assent must be illustrated (Fuchs, Hpken Lexhagen, 2017). The customer must have an understanding that the provid er information will be utilized for a particular report extension and mindful of the significance of utilization. End While instruments for information investigation are continuously getting meeker, extra tasteful methods will require devoted staff. Information mining will require extra mastery in light of the fact that the outcomes can be intriguing to interpret and, subsequently, might require support utilizing extra methodologies. Both DM and DA devices stay fundamental constituents of BI, and need solid tricks for information distribution center to work fittingly (Fink, Yogev Even, 2017). This introduction recommends that additional consideration must be charmed to the ETL ordinary features and ground breaking logical skill. The final product can only be as usable as information which supports the framework itself. The association must give a focal vault for putting away the colossal amounts of information. The firm should profit devices that guide in the reflection of the significant valuable data from expected informational index. The firm will just accomplish this by having information investigation apparatuses and information mining. Information examination expected ought to be straightforward elements of enquiry other than announcing, factual investigation and urbane investigation of multidimensional information other than information mining. References Fink, L., Yogev, N., Even, A. (2017). Business knowledge and authoritative learning: An experimental examination of significant worth creation forms. Data Management, 54(1), 38-56. Fuchs, M., Hpken, W., Lexhagen, M. (2017). Business insight for goals: Creating information from online networking. Kokina, J., Pachamanova, D., Corbett, A. (2017). The job of information perception and examination in perfo
Saturday, August 22, 2020
How Does Your Child Act Essays - Boys, Tomboy,
How Does Your Child Act? How Does Your Child Act? As a matter of first importance I imagine that in the rear of each parent mind are questions concerning their kid's future. Like will it be a specialist, a legal advisor, or the following leader of the United States. In any case, with these inquiries there are likewise more inquiries that are not talked about uninhibitedly like consider the possibility that it is a terrible kid or it is wild. Also, will it take medications or attempt liquor and smoke cigarettes? Another inquiry that may be in the rear of a guardians mind is about its youngster's sexual direction. I realize this may appear to be outlandish to a few individuals however on the off chance that I had a youngster right now in todays world, that question would not be in the back of my brain however in the front. I realize that any parent and including me will cherish their kid regardless of what it's sexual direction, yet I realize that most if not all guardians would incline toward that their children be straight. This isn't so they won't be humiliate or embarrassed by their youngster, yet just for the security of their kid. As we as a whole realize this world isn't a safe spot for individuals that are extraordinary. I believe that guardians are concerned when their young lady acts like a boyish girl, yet they get truly terrified when their child begins doing what we generally consider young lady stuff. A kid ought to be raised to be whomever the person picks and the kid shouldn't need to acknowledge society, yet society ought to acknowledge the kid for what their identity is. A guardians response to their girl acting like a boyish girl is exceptionally inactive and they play it off amusingly and in some cases they even energize it. This doesn't make a difference to a few guardians yet most guardians respond thusly when their little girl acts like a kid and does kid stuff. I used to know a young lady that was a boyish girl. She generally spent time with young men even in center school. She had al fellow companions and would play young men games. Not once did I ever hear her folks express anything to make her quit acting like a spitfire, rather they energized. For example they used to take every one of her companions, we were all young men to baseball games and hockey games. There was never another young lady there with the exception of herself. Also, I surmise she felt happy with spending time with young men and her folks wouldn't fret as long as she was upbeat, since that was truly what made a difference. Then again there was my neighbors child. This kid was something contrary to the young lady. He never played with young men yet he was consistently around young ladies. He was constantly prodded by different young men including me, yet we were all youthful in those days. Yet, glancing back at this current, it's abnormal to see that we generally ridiculed the kid who acted like a young lady however never did I hear anybody ridicule the young lady. I imagine that the young men guardians were more disturbed about the young men mates than anybody else. The young men father, my neighbor used to drive the kid into doing kid stuff like playing youth baseball and pop warner football. At whatever point the dad saw us young men playing football or b-ball in the city, he would actually drag the kid out of the house to make him play with us. The young man would be in tears crying yet you could even now hear his father urging him to play. We as a whole realized that the kid was frightened straight by his dad what's more, challenged not to defy his dad, however he would not like to play. Indeed, even the young men mother was like his dad. In the event that different young ladies came to play with the kid, she would not allow him to out. So at that point two or three young men used to proceed to get him out of his home, which his mother consented to so he could covertly play with different young ladies. Glancing back at this makes me feel that those activities by both the young lady and the kid didn't generally mean anything since we were just nine or ten years of age. There are a ton of motivations to why there is a twofold standard for young ladies acting like young men and young men acting like young ladies. The young men get the hard harsh finish of the stick. Everybody is OK with young ladies acting like boyish girls yet when a kid demonstrations like a
Friday, August 21, 2020
Best Opinion Essay Topics - A Few Tips to Help You Write Better Essays
Best Opinion Essay Topics - A Few Tips to Help You Write Better EssaysIf you're new to essay writing, you're going to want to read this article for tips on how to select the best opinion essay topics. These articles will give you the basic information you need to write a successful essay; therefore, you must read these articles every once in a while.Now that you've decided which topic you're going to use, you need to decide on a topic that will fit within your specific skills. Remember, if you're just getting started with writing essays, you can always look for specific topic ideas at your local library or bookstore. For example, if you're an English major, you might look for general topics of literature and English for your essay.Once you've decided on a topic, you need to start writing the essay. It's not going to be an easy task since you will have to develop the facts and figures accurately. If you have any questions or concerns about how to write an essay, you can find advice on line.Once you have a title and a topic, it's time to start writing. In addition to this, you also need to make sure that you write an outline. This will help you keep track of your essay as well as organize the different elements of your essay. By writing an outline, you'll know exactly what sections you're going to use as well as where you're going to place your essay.You must also keep in mind that you must adhere to a specific format when writing your essay. If you do not know how to format your essay, you can always get some tips from a professional such as an English professor. In addition to this, you also need to be sure that your essay is well-organized so you can easily find a topic or your name and go straight to it.The final tip for selecting the best essay topics is to ensure that you find out what other people are saying about your topic. This way, you can find out what topics people have considered and whether or not they have found the topic interesting enough to read . If you want to find out what other people are saying about your topic, just go to the various sites that discuss topics.Also, it's important to remember that you must take the time to understand the topic before you write the essay. However, there are many people who are still intimidated by essay writing because they don't know how to write essays. If you still haven't learned how to write essays, you should consider taking a formal class at your local community college or university.Once you understand how to write an essay, you can start putting the final touches on the actual work. For example, once you learn how to format your essay properly, you can start writing from this point.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Nationalism in 18th Century Europe - 1763 Words
Throughout the nineteenth century three political ideals began influencing states and their citizens like no other ideals had done before. These ideals were liberalism, socialism and, the most important, nationalism. Each one possessed its own uniqueness which inspired mass followings of people that would last thoroughly into the twentieth century. Each one also proved to form a catalyst for the modernisation of many European countries. However, in comparison, none of these ideals had the impact that the nationalistic approach had. This is due to many reasons which ranged from the fact that not everyone was affected by socialism or that ninety percent of people in eighteenth century Europe lived in a ‘nation state’ which acted as a†¦show more content†¦The conscription of soldiers into the military, created an environment that relied on the connectedness that the soldiers felt for their country since there was a lack of other motives for individual s oldiers to fight for a specific cause. This self determination to fight for one’s country was inspired by the immense nationalistic and patriotic pride that existed within Europeà ¾ no other political ideal could inspire such unwavering loyalty. Empires that contained many nations could not survive in the total war state that characterises modern warfare during the Great War. The Great War, as it did with every country currently riding the nationalism tidal wave, aided the growth of the ideal in France through the increased government control, propaganda, and ethnocentrism among French citizens. Although we can discuss the nationalist culture and might that France contained, it was dwarfed by our next country, Germany. Eugene Weber, Peasants into Frenchmen: The Modernization of Rural France ,1870-1914 (Stanford: CA, Stanford University Press, 1976) 3 Hudson Meadwell, The Long Nineteenth Century (New York: NY, Routledge, 2002) 2 At the beginning of the century, Germany was not a united nation, a combination of duchies and principalities, perhaps with a common purpose, and a common language and culture, but separated politically. However, by the time of German unification in 1871 the traditional European balance of power had shifted withShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Nationalism1325 Words  | 6 Pages Nationalism is a sense of putting one’s country before themselves and everything else due to common cultures, languages and other customs. It has been a part of the way modern history has been shaped since the late 18th century with Napoleon, all the way to present day. As one historian wrote, Nationalism is a â€Å"Political outlook†¦that a nation is composed of people who are joined together by the bonds of a common language†¦customs, culture, and history†(9/13/17). Nationalism has shaped the historyRead MoreThe Nationalism Of The 19th Century913 Words  | 4 PagesAbstract in Abstract in principle, yet individually quantifiable, nationalism swept through 18th and 19th century global populations, igniting the fire for some of the most significant and revolutionary changes of the time. During the period, eons’ old hierarchal systems found themselves closeted, as novel enlightenment principles were bred and spread throughout the world. Kingdoms fell, borders were redrawn, and ultimately, nationalism led to the worldwide adoption of a new sense of individual identityRead MoreThe Conflict Between France And Germany During The Franco War887 Words  | 4 Pagesnew German Empire started. The unification of Germany demonstrated the nationalism between these countries. The negative reaction of France led to the ruins of Paris, the high human cost and a big revolution between these nations. France lost the control over the entire Europe. Prussia became the leading country in the German imperial and it dominated the entire Europe. According to the encyclopedia Britannica, nationalism is â€Å"a movement in history when people have established territorial authorities†¦Read MoreHaitian Revolution : The Revolution1199 Words  | 5 PagesDuring the Industrial Revolution, rural societies in Europe and America became industrial and urban. It occurred from the 18th to the 19th century. The Industrial Revolution is a name given to a movement that machines changed people’s way of life as well as their methods. Around the American Revolution, the people of England started use machines to make their products and to help run other machines. The Industrial Revolution took place England and Europe. It’s importance consisted of changing every aspectRead MoreEssay on The Early Renaissance559 Words  | 3 Pageswith the Early Renaissance at the start of the 15th century. As time has progressed, things have modified within societies to mold with the new ways of thinking for that time. 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However, it became apparent that these powers gained significant wealth byRead MoreA Nation Is A Social Concept With No Uncontroversial Definition1734 Words  | 7 Pagesof nation used, the term nation state could be used to distinguish larger states from small city states, or could be used to distinguish multinational states from t hose with a single ethnic group. Ancient nations Although some scholars of nationalism argue that nations are a modern phenomenon arising around the time of the French Revolution, other scholars assert that nations are an old, or even an ancient, type of political formation. Political scientist Azar Gat argues that ancient Egypt wasRead MoreNationalism in Europe Essay872 Words  | 4 PagesNationalism in Europe Nineteenth century Europe, exploding with Nationalism, shows us how powerful a nation can be when united for a common cause. Nationalism is the love and devotion to ones country, where devotion stands for the spirit to protect the needs and ideals of the nation. Nationalism acted as a unifying force in Europe for much of the nineteenth century when unification movements were frequent. The unification of Italy and Germany, are prime examples of nationalism at work. Read MoreFoundations of The Modern World Essay1064 Words  | 5 Pages15th Century, history began to move really fast in the matter of the things that happened. It is really important this part of the history because it totally changed the way of life and it gives an explanation of why life is like it is in our days. This big change didnt happen at once. Historians, after studying and trying to find the reasons of this change came up with five foundations. They are The Columbian Exchange, Europe Confronts the World, The Industrial Revolution, The Nationalism andRead MoreRomanticism Response To The Industrial Revolution702 Words  | 3 Pageswas a response towards the industrial revolution. The movement rejected the idea of reason that gripped the educational masses of earlier 18th century Europe. Romaticism idolized the unknown and the idea of personification. As romanticism started to dwindle in the mid 1800’s innovative ideas formed. The new movements that evolved from Romanticism are Nationalism, Liberalism, and Conservatism. Liberalism didn’t start out as a reactionary or branch off from the romanticism period, instead it has roots
Thursday, May 14, 2020
What Are Human Rights And From Where Do They Originate
What are human rights and from where do they originate? According to Campbell, MacKinnon Stevens (2010), there are two prominent schools of thought with regards to human rights, natural law and positivism. Natural law is grounded in religion and morality, based on God, and contends that individuals know the difference between what is right and what is wrong (Cummings, et al., 2010). Proponents of natural law believe that every individual is born with human rights and that states can only enact laws to restrict these rights. Positivism can be traced to the Protestant Reformation, John Austin and Jeremy Bentham. Proponents of positivism contend that human rights are created by the state and that the state is solely responsible for†¦show more content†¦The abolitionists, suffragists and peace activists were responsible for fighting for human rights during the modern era. Abolitionists were concerned with slavery, the suffragists were concerned with women’s rights and peace activists were concerned with war and the peace (Cummings, et al., 2010). Individual human rights were not fully addressed on an international level until after World War I, by the League of Nations, which was the predecessor to the United Nations (UN). The League of Nations was responsible for promoting equal rights and protection for minorities in member nation-states. The UN was formed after World War II and was formed to prevent war and promote peace. The UN was instrumental in crafting documents and treaties with regards to human rights internationally and forcing its members to adopt domestic legislation protecting human rights. The UN was responsible for drafting the International Bill of Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which aimed to protect human rights but were not legally binding (Cummings, et al., 2010). The International Covenant on Civil Rights and Political Rights (CPR) and International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR) were legally binding and had a component for monitoring but lacke d an enforcement component (Cummings, et al., 2010). The United Nations has been responsible for monitoring
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
School Uniforms - 1566 Words
The Need for School Uniforms A safe and structured learning environment is the first requirement of a good school. Children who feel safe and secure will better learn basic American values. In return they will learn the basis of good citizenship and become better students. In response to growing levels of violence in our schools, many parents, teachers, and school officials have been forced to look toward school uniforms as one potentially positive way to reduce discipline problems and increase school safety. It has been observed that the adoption of school uniform policies can promote school safety, improve discipline, and enhance the learning environment. The potential benefits of school uniforms include decreasing violence and theft.†¦show more content†¦A uniform policy must also prohibit students from wearing a button bearing a gang insignia. A uniform policy must also prohibit items that undermine the integrity of the uniform, such as a sweatshirt that bears a political message but also covers or replaces the type of shirt required by the uniform policy. There is another big issue within the implementation of school uniforms. Schools must determine whether to have a voluntary or mandatory school uniform policy. Some schools have adopted completely voluntary school uniform policy, which permits students to freely choose whether and under what circumstances they will wear the school uniform. On the other hand, some schools have determined that it is both warranted and more effective to adopt a mandatory uniform policy. When a mandatory school uniform policy is adopted, there must be a determination as to whether to have an opt out provision In most cases, school districts with mandatory policies allow students, with parental consent, to opt out of the school uniform requirements. Some schools have determined, however, that a mandatory policy with no opt out provision is necessary to address a disruptive atmosphere. A Phoenix, Arizona school, for example, adopted a mandatory policy requiring students to wear school uniforms, or attend another public school. That Phoenix schools uniform policy was recently upheld by a state trialShow MoreRelatedSchool Uniforms And Schools Uniforms1211 Words  | 5 PagesSchool uniforms began their revolution in private schools; they represented a unique appearance, and provided a safe environment for the students attending. Private and Catholic schools were clever enough for implementing school uniforms, because without their influence public schools would have not adapted on creating a dress code for students. By introducing school uniforms in school policies they have managed to impact students learning environment in reducing stress, changing students’ behaviorRead MoreUniforms in School726 Words  | 3 PagesThe standard issue school uniform of khaki, navy and white once exclusive to the private parochial institutions is becoming a common requirement in public schools across the nation. This trend that was first suggested for public schools in 1980 by then D. C. mayor, Marion Barry, to help diminish the social stigma of low income stu dents has grown significantly in both numbers and reasons (Lawrence, 2013). In 2010, it was reported by the National Center for Education Statistics, that nearly 19% ofRead MoreSchools and Uniforms733 Words  | 3 PagesSchool Uniforms Uniforms in schools are a big debate around the world. Should we have uniforms in schools? The answer is yes because uniform help the schools. They bring to table a great deal of help because students are getting bullied, killed, and some may not have as much as other when shopping for clothes. Having uniforms bring safety to schools and what goes on after school. Why do we need uniforms? Most student have their own style, but a common argument against school uniforms is thatRead MoreSchool Uniform And School Uniforms937 Words  | 4 PagesSchool Uniform School uniforms keep students focused on their education not in their clothings. When all students are wearing the same outfit, they are less concerned about how they look and how they fit in with their peers. It’s easier for parent and students do not spend time choosing appropriate outfit for school day. It helps students can only concentrate on their schoolwork. Education is one of the big institutions for every kid that go to school. Also education is the roots that will help peopleRead MoreSchool Uniforms And Schools Uniforms819 Words  | 4 Pagesas school uniforms, many are quick to deem them as unjust and avoidable. What these individuals do not know is that, in fact, school uniforms would enhance how the learning environment functions. Surely, when schools provide their students with uniforms, they are not providing their students with dreadful apparel, they are providing their students with an opportunity to change; whether it be a chance for a student to change t heir role academically, or a chance for a student to fit in. School uniformsRead MoreSchool Uniforms1143 Words  | 5 PagesSchool uniforms make things more complicated Firstly, school is the place where all of us step in at a very tender age. In one word, life begins at school. It’s not just education but school gives us the platform to nurture our faith, emotions in such an early stage of life. The importance of making friends, working as a team- we learn all these in school. And wearing the same dress definitely brings a sense of unity among students. In every school there are students from different backgrounds butRead MoreSchool Uniforms: Yes or No?2109 Words  | 9 Pages3 March 2011 School Uniforms: A Non-Military Proposal for Swedens Students The word school uniform has negative connotations for many people. It makes them think of war, of soldier, of death, brainwashed airheads doing exactly the same as everybody else. It makes them think of reformed, collectivized groups of people with no personal identity. There are, however, reasons for the existence of the uniform; one of them being, as the name suggests, the purpose of uniting. At schools all around theRead MoreDress Codes And School Uniforms1248 Words  | 5 Pagesembarrassing than being dress coded at school? Enforcing a dress code among children is unfair because it not only discriminates against people but it destroys someone’s whole day. Dress codes and school uniforms are meant to increase student achievement and make everyone equal but instead it only hurts people. Most school dress codes are unnecessary and are sexist. Enforcing dress codes is suppose to boost student achievement but instead is racist, sexist and unnecessary. Schools should take in to considerationRead MoreShould School Uniforms For Wear Uniforms?969 Words  | 4 Pagesrequired to wear uniforms? In today’s society this is a very controversial subject across America. Many object uniforms because they feel uniforms don t allow students to have the freedom to express themselves the way they want. People feel uniforms undermine children s individuality. However, taking into consideration facts from both sides, what remains most important is the child s academics. To improve academics, schools should require all students to wear a uniform. Though uniforms may not be theRead MoreAre School Uniforms Beneficial Or Not?1098 Words  | 5 PagesAre School Uniforms Beneficial or Not? How does dressing and feeling the same as everybody else sound? Would it be enjoyable, or would it be no fun? According to, the first recorded use of school uniforms in the United States was in 1994. In Europe around the early sixteenth century, school uniforms were made to tell the difference between poor students to the charity schools as opposed to other children. In London people thought that schools without uniforms were to be looked at as lower
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Sales and Operations Planning Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Sales and Operations Planning. Answer: Main Purpose of the Article The main purpose of this article is linked to its title "Information sharing for sales and operations planning: Contextualized solutions and mechanisms by (Kaipia, Holmstrom, Smro, Rajala, 2017). It strives to establish the benefits that accrue the organization when they design a strong system that will facilitate the sharing of sales information with customers through well-planned operations. The article notes that sharing sales information as from lower level as retailer helps the organization to plan its operations based on the needs of the customer. The article takes two examples to test the applicability of information sharing for sales and operations planning between two organizations. In the first organization, where the management embraces the sharing of sales information to build on operations derived more benefits. On the other side, the organization that did use the approach of information sharing for sales to plan for its operations appeared to suffer. Therefore, it is w ell evidenced that the main purpose of the article links with the operations management which is the topic under discussion. Key Questions for the Article The major question arising from this article is whether relying on information sharing with the customers helps the organization derive certain benefits. The article compares whether introducing information sharing system in the sales and operations planning purpose produce or not produce benefits for the organizations applying it. Secondly, another question in the article aims to look how the existing challenges that face organizations that apply information sharing in their sales and operations planning system. Secondly, the key questions coming out from this article can be identified in the research gap. Under this section, the article aims to determine how elaborative mechanisms can improve expected outcomes from information sharing from the perspective of the manufacturers. Another question is how the manufacturer can take advantage of a point of sale information to improve operations management. Lastly, there is a question on how the companies can use collaborative sales and operations planning system to improve their operations management. Most Important Information Apart from the primary data that involves the author collecting the information himself, the secondary is also important for the development of the article. In fact, the writing and discussion of academic articles are largely linked to the existing information. Under this section, this paper will analyze the secondary information that has been used by the authors of their study. First, the article uses the secondary information to look at the challenges that befall organizations which introduce information sharing in their sales and operations planning system. The article has relied on literature review as the major source of its secondary information. The literature review used in the article highlight the potential benefits as well as the drawbacks that can face companies using information sharing in their operations planning processes. In one of the secondary source in the article maintains that are a significant number of benefits associated with the application on information sharing in sales and operations planning management( Mrcio, Scavarda, Fernandez, Scavarda, 2012). However, another information goes further this study because not situations contribute to benefits as the result of data sharing. Therefore, the benefits of information sharing will only be achievable in special situations. Secondly, another source used in the article argues that not all products can be subjected into information sharing. Also, if the organizations anticipate deriving benefits from this approach of operations management they have to design different information sharing systems for different products(Ellinger Keller, 2010). The secondary data used in this article is attributable to the topic of operations management. Therefore, it is doubtless that this article uses information that has a strong interconnection between information sharing for sales and operations planning management. Thirdly, the article was supported its position by using model-based studies from secondary sources that explains the benefits gained by the organization depends on features of the model and assumptions applied in the study(Gimenez, 2015). For example, the secondary information noted that if the supplier uses a single retailer to evaluate the benefits of information sharing may assume that sharing information will the customers helps the organization improve its operations management. On the other hand, several studies used in the article assume that if the organization have access to high demand, sufficient supply, and improved process data in the supply chain the operation performance of the company will automatically improve. However, this cannot work effectively without introducing the system of sharing information with the customers and all other concerned parties. Again, the article goes ahead to rely on the secondary data to argue that there are contexts where benefits cannot be realized. For example, the authors of the article argue that in the event where there is accurate forecasting, low inventory costs and short lead times contributes to reduced risks even without employing information sharing in the operations planning. Kaipia, Holmstrom, Smro, Rajala (2017) looks at both positive and negative side of introducing information sharing in the operations planning management. Another secondary information used in the article supports that it is not a guarantee that information sharing will contribute improved performance. However, this source assumed that there is improved performance largely when information sharing is operational processes are used within the company as well as between the participating companies. The Huge volume of secondary information used in this article recognizes the importance of information sharing in operations planning. The majority of secondary sources argue that there are numerous benefits when a collaborative sales and operations planning (SOP) is applied(Godsell, 2010). Several authors that have carried out studies used as the secondary sources in the article argue that examination of the more collaborative sales and operations planning has a variety of benefits for the organizations that apply it. For example, when the demand factor from the customers side is known, the company will establish systems that will oversee improved retail management promotions. This means that all the customers demands will be met satisfactorily. Similarly, the company will reduce or prevent extra costs of producing goods that may not be needed by the customers. Therefore, sharing sales information helps to improve the internal operations of the company. Another simulation study used in the article maintains that sudden change in demand point on sale data is the important information for the manufacturer to consider(Harwell, 2012). Similarly, the model-based study used in the article finds out that the value of information sharing is very important for assessing retail replenishment for perishable products. However, the author using the model-based study argue that value of information will depend on several factors such as product price and demand variability. The respondent survey has also been used in this article as a secondary source. The author of the source containing the survey argues that supply chain dynamism is the subject of valuable information(Holt, 2012). This means with sales sharing information it will be difficult to evaluate and understand the dynamisms associated with supply chain processes. This makes the management of the supply chain difficult because some of the internal operations do not conform to the external demand as exhibited by the customers. However, with collaborative planning, there is a high probability that the getting the demand forecasting correctly. Improving new product introduction has also relied on secondary sources as shown in this article. The source used in article depicts that use of demand information helps the company t forecast potential sales(Cauchois Taghipour, 2016). This helps to avoid the challenging situations that come with new products. For example, the velocity of sales and getting the company new products being distributed to the international market becomes a big challenge. However, with the introduction of information sharing for the sales in collaboration with operations planning to helps the company to have prior knowledge about the customers demand and needs. The application of information sharing eases the process of getting new product in the market. From the secondary information used in this article, it is quite evident that it has effectively used secondary information that relates to operation management. The article has looked at both sides of information sharing. For example, it has addressed the benefits associated with information sharing as well the situation where the value of information sharing cannot work(Cavusoglu, Cavusoglu, Raghunathan, 2011). Again, the article has also considered various studies and models that have carried out and developed respectively to undress the topic under discussion. Therefore, it is indisputable that this article has effectively discussed the sharing of sales information for operations planning about operation management. Main Inferences of the Article The major inference in this article depicts that there is an additional factor that is needed for sales information sharing for operations planning. Likewise, there are more benefits associated with the sales information sharing than there are drawbacks. However, the article also pinpoints that not all companies enjoy the benefits of information sharing. Whether the company will experience benefits from information sharing for operations planning depends on different factors and situations. For example, for the company dealing with multi-production processes finds it more beneficial to rely on sales of point information than for the company dealing with the single production process. Another inference being exhibited in this article connote that companies need to have a prior knowledge about expected outcomes before investing in acquiring the value of information. Therefore, the company has to establish sufficient integration between sales and operations. If the customers sales information shared with the supplier is low, and production planning cycles are long, the value of a point on sale information may be non-existent or very small. Finally, the article infers that there are bigger challenges when introduced a new product in the market. However, with the application of the sales information sales for operations planning to get new product in the market will be very easy. Key Concepts of the Article The writing of the articles is based on the concepts that influence the author to develop his or her study from the beginning to the end. First, the article addresses the outcome that manufacturers experience from employing sales information sharing for operations planning. Secondly, the article strives to investigate the concept of how elaborative mechanisms can contribute to the achievement of desired operations management outcome. Lastly, the article looks at how manufacturers can use a point on sale information to improve operations planning. Main Assumption The major assumption arising from this article holds that information sharing for operations planning automatically guarantee benefits for the companies that use it. However, this assumption is disputed on the fact not all companies derive benefits from employing value sales information sharing. Secondly, the value of shared sales information varies with different situations and factors. Implications There are major operations management implications evident in this study. The article offers very important information about the operations management especially during the production of the new product. Alternatively, the article makes it clear that applicability of shared sales information with situations. Finally, the article equips operation managers with the knowledge that they should expect different outcomes when they invest on sales information sharing. This is because it may result in positive or negative outcomes. Conclusion and Recommendation This is one of the best articles that explains the connection between sales data and operations planning. The article goes further to explain in detail how operations managers can use a point on sale information to improve operations management. Again, the article provides the benefits and drawbacks associated with sharing sales information for operations planning. However, the article is largely based on the assumption. This makes the results of the study a bit unreliable. Therefore, this paper suggests this article could have been improved through relying largely on the primary data than on the secondary information. References Mrcio, A., Scavarda, L. F., Fernandez, N. S., Scavarda, A. J. (2012). International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management Emerald Article. Sales and operations planning and the firm performance, 61(4), 359 - 381. Cauchois, R., Taghipour, A. (2016). Advanced Solutions for a Supply Chain with Stochastic Information. Journal of Advanced Management Science, 5(1), 9-13. Cavusoglu, H., Cavusoglu, H., Raghunathan, S. (2011). The value of an Interaction between Production Postponement and Information Sharing Strategies for Supply Chain Firms. Production and Operations Management, 21(3), 470488. Ellinger, E., Keller, R. (2010). The relationship between marketing/logistics interdepartmental integration and performance in US manufacturing ?rms: an empirical study. Journal of Business Logistics, 26(1), 1-22. Gimenez, C. (2015). Logistics-production, logistics-marketing and external integration: their impact on performance. International Journal of Operations Production Management, 25(1), 20-38. Godsell, J. (2010). Building the supply chain to enable business alignment: lessons from British American Tobacco. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 15(1), 10-15. Harwell, J. (2012). Sales and operations are planning in the retail industry. Journal of Business Forecasting, 27(2), 4-10. Holt, C. (2012). Learning how to plan production inventories and work force. Operations Research, 96-9. Kaipia, R., Holmstrom, J., Smro, J., Rajala, R. (2017). Information sharing for sales and operations planning: Contextualized solutions and mechanisms. Journal of Operations Management, 52, 15e2916.
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Robert Browning Essays (2215 words) - Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Robert Browning Robert Browning, one of the most talented poets of the Victorian period, is famous especially for his dramatic monologues. Often these long poems deal with such issues as love, death, and faith. Much of his work is directly reflective of his life and of those issues that were of direct concern to him. One conflict seen throughout Browning's poetry is one of spirituality. His poetry forms a spiritual timeline; it reveals his spiritual influences and opinions. It formed his own Bible of beliefs which he possessed. Because Browning's views on spirituality changed, his poetry also gives insight on the internal conflicts within his life. The paper will explore Robert Browning's spiritual journey as is reflective in his poetry. Robert Browning was born in Camberwell, near London, England on May 7, 1812. He was raised by his father, also Robert Browning, and by his deeply religious mother, Sarah Anna Weideman-Browning. His often indulgent parents gave him the freedom to explore new literary and philosophical ideas of the time period, yet he was also instructed to believe the unexplained mysteries of the Christian faith(Miller, 1953). His mother, who had strong ties to the congregational church, took great time to instruct Robert in his religious studies. With this open atmosphere, however, Browning exhibited signs of disinterest in religion during his early childhood. The town preacher, in fact , found it necessary to publicly scold for restlessness and inattention Master Robert Browning(as cited in,Miller, 1953, p.9). Robert Browning's tendency toward skepticism was recorded early on. Robert Browning's first deviation from his faith was at the age of fifteen or sixteen. His primary influences were the Flower family and the writing of P.B Shelley. Browning often traveled to the Flower's house to discuss music, poetry, and aethism (Irvine & Honan, 1974). Eliza Flower , with whom Browning was infatuated was an influence in Browning's aethism. She was one of the primary influences that turned Browning away from the Christianity of his mother. His other influence, the writing of Shelley, a known aethist, taught Browning to be an independent free thinker. After reading Shelley's book, Queen Mab , Browning became an aethist and a vegetarian(DeVane & Smalley, 1984). He rejected his mother's world to gain a sense of liberty and independence(Irvine & Honan, 1974). This faith change at such an early age seemed to lead to a continual spiritual inconsistency throughout his life. Browning had trouble accepting any faith or religion he chose to follow and often questioned his judgment in faith related decisions. Robert Browning considered Shelley to be moral because he was true, simple hearted and brave(cited in Payne, 1967, p.198). He found him to also be a man of religious mind because Shelley was everywhere taking for granted some of the capital dogmas of Christianity, while most vehemently denying their historical basement (cited in Payne, 1967, p.199). Browning clearly possessed a great respect for Shelley which followed him through much of his early poetry. Browning's life was fundamentally affected(Miller, 1953, p.9) by the Shelley's writing. During his adolescence, Browning may have recognized Shelley's, fearless spiritual independence(Miller, 1953, p.9). He noticed a principal of conduct whereby to measure in the years to come not only the sum of his own poetic achievement but the very nature of human integrity itself(Miller, 1953, p.9). Although there is no available poetry written before his first published work, Pauline, his early aethism is still reflected in his early poetry. Robert Browning eloped to Italy with Elizabeth Barret. Upon meeting his extremely religious wife and with her persuasion, Browning began to realize that Shelley's poetry had led him to a life of self- absorption. Yet, Robert took a skeptical attitude on the spiritual rappings, spurred on perhaps by his wife's immediate will to believe(Markus,1995, p.219). Eventually, though, Robert Browning made the decision to return to his Christian faith, perhaps due to his respect for his deeply religious mother or to the persuasion by his spiritually inclined wife. It is said that Elizabeth, Browning's wife, believed that spiritualism offered an alternative to melancholy: an assurance reinforcing faith(Miller, 1953, p.192). Browning, however was often skeptical of his wife's spiritualism. Despite this, Pauline reveals a return to God, but also displays an undying reverence to Shelley.
Monday, March 9, 2020
How to Write a Literature Essay on #8220;The Red and the White#8221;
How to Write a Literature Essay on #8220;The Red and the White#8221; A literature essay is used to closely examine a piece of prose, poetry, or a treatise. If you have to write one on, let’s say â€Å"The Red and the White: A Family Saga of the American West†, you need to know how to draft one for your instructor to give you a good grade. After all, you need to thoroughly analyze the written masterpiece you read. So, here are the steps your instructor will expect you to follow to write your first ever literature essay. Reading and Research Phase Analyzing a book becomes a lot easier if you have read the text thoroughly. Ideally, critical analysis requires deeply reading the text. If you do not have time for this, try to read the book at least once. After reading the primary text, you need to research secondary sources. Look up relevant facts on â€Å"The Red and the White†for a literature essay and carry out some additional reading on the major themes presented in the book. However, remember that these secondary sources are just an aid for your work. The ideas you present must be your own. At this stage choose the topic you wish to write about. You probably have already discovered some interesting aspects you can write on. For instance, you can focus on characters, themes, and historical events which motivated the author. For more topics on a literature essay about â€Å"The Red and the White: A Family Saga of the American West†, refer to 20 topics on â€Å"The Red and the White†for a literature essay. Introduction This is the first and most important part of the literature essay. It contains three basic components: a hook, a transition, and your thesis. The hook is a sentence that is used to grab your reader’s attention. You should broadly state the topic you are writing about. Try to make the introduction as interesting as possible. The second component, the transition, connects the broad idea of the hook to the specific work of literature you will be writing about. Include the title of the work; the name of the author in the introductory part of your essay. Also mention any special awards/accolades the book has received. The last part of the introduction is the thesis. A thesis is the central idea the entire essay. It should be a strongly worded statement that is equally clear and succinct. You can also provide a preview of your essay; simply list the major ideas your paper discusses. Body of the Essay The body of the essay is composed of three to five paragraphs. Each paragraph presents one idea which ties back into your original thesis. These paragraphs should be structured as follows: Topic sentence Explanation of the idea Supportive evidence from the text Connecting the idea to your main thesis The paragraphs should be structured in a way that allows the essay to flow smoothly from one topic to another. Keep your focus on proving the central idea you stated in the introduction. Conclusion Reiterate your central idea. Try to describe the broader significance of your topic. Finally, state why the literary aspect under discussion was used and how it illustrates your idea. This template is an ideal format to follow when writing a literature essay. Although it focuses on a specific book, you can easily generalize these guidelines and use them for any literature essay you need to work on in the future.
Friday, February 21, 2020
Labarotary report Lab Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Labarotary - Lab Report Example In addition, infants have still to develop a urinary system that concentrates or dilutes urine in response to changes in extracellular fluid. Aside from that, they are still unable to effectively communicate their complaints, It is thus important that an outside monitoring of water loss and input be conducted to prevent complications such as dehydration or edema (Ambalavanan, 2010). Early determination of abnormal fluid levels gives room in early intervention and prevention of complications. Usually, one can predict predilection of infants to abnormal fluid levels by the maternal and newborn history. As well, measuring of fluid output through urine, stool, nasogastric, orogastric, and cerebrospinal fluid may be conducted (Ambalavanan, 2010). For this experiment, four nappies per pair were prepared. After previously weighing all four, two (labelled 1 and 2) were added with 15-50 ml water, while the remaining were added with 15-50 l of concentrated salt. Weight differences between unused and wet nappies were then determined and presented in the tables below. Table 1 summarizes the data collected by the pair of experimenters. As can be seen, the differences among the unused nappy weights were minimal, with the mean weight at 10.2 Â ± 0.2 grams. Any detected differences among wet nappies, must thus be because of the fluids they contain, and not of the material they are made of. Looking at the data of other pairs (table 2), specifically of group 2, it can be seen that equal volumes of water and salt solution does not cause any significant differences in the change of nappy weight. In support of this data, group 3 found that pouring a volume of the salt solution that was twice as much as the volume of water caused almost twice as high weight difference as that recorded in nappies added with the same amount of water. Data gathered by this pair of experimenters, as well as of other groups were not used in
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
What are the main features of a bipolar world Illustrate your answer Essay
What are the main features of a bipolar world Illustrate your answer with examples - Essay Example The bipolarity as explained above was a period in which US, her allies, the USSR, and her allies held extreme views in all manner of sense; from political to economic issues. The period was also characterized with suspicion and propaganda, the suspicion that USSR or United States were in the process of developing weapons of mass destruction. It must be noted that there were no formal confirmation of this allegation rather a state of being insecure given that both USSR and the US emerged as the World super power and had Veto powers in the UN council (Hunt, 147). It can be believed that the war bipolarity was necessitated by the fact that both USSR and US emerged as super powers and were posing significant threat to each other, the only way they could deal with the situation was holding contrary view. It accentuates our belief that way because in any event, the two countries were in the same front all along from 1914-45. Even though in the bipolar world there were no direct military confrontations, most of the historian have alluded that it can be termed as the world war III. This is because the two opposing groups, USSR, and U.S were involved in indirect wars by supporting their proxies with military and economic aids. The situations were glaring in the cases of Korean and the Vietnam. The Cuban missile crisis was also a manifestation of the proxy involvement of the two antagonistic sides in 1962. Some of the factors that led to the bipolarity were; The Soviet were in a mad rush to spread communism ideology in the world as a matter of having no option to even the minority countries, this was against the American position that was hinged more on democracy. The American acquisition of the all-lethal atomic bomb made USSR restless considering that they were also super powers. In as much as the two countries emerged super powers in the concluded world wars, they had
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Theory Mild Steel Material
Theory Mild Steel Material Mild steel or so-called carbon steel was the most common types of steel being used nowadays in almost all forms of industrial applications and industrial manufacturing. Basically, it refers to a group of low carbon steel with relatively low tensile strength, malleable and cheap which consist the maximum composition of Carbon between 0.15% to 0.3%. Furthermore its surface hardness can be increased through carburizing. Apart from the cheapest types of steel, it was widely used in every type of product created from steel because of its weldability, good strength and hardness and although it has the tendency to rust, it is very durable to build materials. Plus, it had the ability to be be magnetized and used in almost any project that requires a lot number of metal. 2.1.2 Types of Mild Steel There were many types of Mild Steel that had been discovered until recently, among them were A36, High Strength Low Alloy (HSLA) Steel, Abrasion Resistant (AR), Pressure Vessel Quality (PVQ), 4140, 8620 ,1045,1018 and Free Machine Steel (FM 45). The most popular mild steel specification for carbon steel is A36 which normally comes in shapes of plates and bars for bolted and welded construction. High Strength Low Alloy (HSLA) Steel usually contain more than 15% composition of carbon and it is stronger than any ordinary plain carbon steels. HSLA normally comes in the appearance of Corten and Exten material. They are widely used in cars, cranes, bridges and other structures to handle stress at low temperatures. Abrasion Resistant (AR) is commonly used in truck and hopper bodies, shoots, and wear as it is a very hard mild steel that is abrasion or wear resistant. While for the Pressure Vessel Quality (PVQ), because of its properties which are high strength and low weight mild steel it wa s commonly used in earth moving, transport equipment such as booms, buckets, and pressure vessels. Among the example of PVQ are A514 and T1. 4140 and 8620 perform well under high heat, heavy load wear-resistant material and was used for dyes and molds. 1045 is a standard mild steel which is more durable than A36 though it is harder to machine and weld. It is commonly used for axles, bolts, connecting rods, hydraulic rams and etc. 1018 is the most frequently available of the cold-rolled steels and chemically similar to A36. It come generally in round rod, square bar and rectangle bar. It have good edges such as strength, ductility and ease of machining. Last but not least, Free Machine Steel (FM 45) is a mild steel that has average durability in strength and easy to machine. 2.1.3 Mechanical Properties of Mild Steel In materials science, the strength phrase can be assumed as a high resistance to breakage. Mild steel was well known because of its high resistance to breakage and therefore its mechanical properties can be considered as very strong due to the low amount of carbon it contains. Mild Steel also was recognized as having a high tensile and impact strength compared to the High Carbon Steel due to the fact that it can be easily malleable even when in cold. Another distinguished differences of mechanical properties between high carbon steel and Mild Steel was mild steel bends or deforms if being subjected under stress while a high carbon steels usually shatter or crack. This cause Mild Steel was widely preferred in the construction area in the interest of its weldability, machiniability, malleablility and high strength. As a result of its high strength and easy to malleable, the former is actually quite soft which cause its easy to machine and welding both to itself or to other types of ste el. Nevertheless, the former cannot be hardened through heat treatment processes unlike the latter. Mild steel usually contains few other alloying elements other than Carbon to give them certain desirable mechanical properties. For example, lets take a look at 1018, a common type of mild steel. 1018 contains an approximately 0.6%-0.9% Manganese (Mn), 0.04% Phosphorus and 0.05% Sulphur. Varying these chemicals will affects certain properties such as corrosion resistance and strength. For instance, Phosphorus, Sulphur and Silicon are undesirable and can be considered as trace elements as they have negative impacts on the steel due to their bad effects on the steel and its properties. The reason why Phosphorus is consider as a trace element because it affects primarily the ductility and the toughness of steel mostly when the steel is in the quenched and tempered conditions. In fact, the Phosphorus has a tendency to react with the iron to form a compound known as ironphosphide (Fe3P) which has the particularity of being brittle. Hence, phosphorus renders steel less tough and ductile wh ile it increases brittleness. While for the Sulphur which also was a trace element, it has a great tendency to segregate (that is to isolate itself in the structure). It also reacts with iron to form iron sulphide which produces red or hot-shortness, since the low melting eutectic forms a network around the grains so that these hold but loosely together, and the grain boundaries may easily break up during hotforming. So, from here we can see that Sulphur plays a great role in the decline ability of steel such as weldability, impact, toughness and the ductility of the steel. Carbon is an element whose presence is imperative in all steel. Indeed, carbon is the principle hardening element of steel. That is, this alloying element determines the level of hardness or strength that can be attained by quenching. Furthermore, carbon is essential for the formation of cementite (as well as other carbides) and of pearlite, spheridite, bainite, and iron-carbon martensite, with martensite being the hardest of the microstructures. Carbon is also responsible for increase in tensile strength, hardness, resistance to wear and abrasion. However, when present in high quantities it affects the ductility, the toughness and the machinability of steel. Whereas element like Carbon and Manganese are desireable as it can enhanced the properties of steel. First, lets observe Carbon element. Carbon is an element whose presence is imperative in all steel. Indeed, carbon is the principle hardening element of steel. That means that the alloying element determines the level of hardness or strength that can be attained by quenching. Furthermore, carbon is essential for the formation of cementite (as well as other carbides) and not to mention pearlite, spheridite,bainite, and iron-carbon martensite, with martensite being the hardest of the microstructures. Carbon is also responsible for the increase in tensile strength, hardness,resistance to wear and abrasion. However, when present in high quantities it will affects the ductility, the toughness and the machinability of steel. Same as Carbon, Manganese also contributes greatly towards increasing strength and hardness, but to a less extent than carbon. To be more precise, the degree to which manganese increases hardness and strength is dependent upon the Carbon content of the steel. In fact, manganese contributes to the increasing the strength of the ferrite, and also toward increasing the hardness of penetration of steel in the quench by decreasing the critical quenching speed. Moreover, still consisting of a considerable amount of manganese can be quenched in oil rather than in water, and are therefore less susceptible to cracking because of reduction in the shock of the quenching. In addition, the latter enhance the tensile strength, the hardness, the harden ability, the resistance to wear and it also increase the rate of carbon penetrating in the coefficient of thermal expansion of steel whereas it is detrimental to both thermal and electrical conductivity. 2.1.4 Application of Mild Steel Nowadays, every objects that are fabricated of steel are using mild steel type of material which includes automobile chassis, motorcycle frames and most cookware product. Due to its poor corrosion-resistance, it must be painted or protected and sealed in order to prevent rust from damaging it. A light coat of oil or grease is able to seal this steel and aid in rust control.Unlike high-carbon steel, mild steel is easily welded. The properties of the steel allow the electrical current to travel through the metal without distorting the makeup of the material. Some types of high-carbon steel such as stainless steel, require special techniques in order to properly weld the material. Being less brittle than high-carbon steels, the mild variant is able to flex and give in construction projects where a higher-carbon version could simply break. Most of the pipeline in the world is created using mild steel. This allows the pipe to not only be easily welded into place, but also lets the pipeline flex and avoid cracking and breaking under pressure. The corrosive properties of the steel pipeline mean that it must be properly sealed through painting or a process often used on pipelines that involves wrapping the pipe with a corrosive-resistant material.Often in very cold climates, a warming type of insulating material is wrapped around the pipeline. This material helps keep the cold inside the pipe running smoothly. The wrap also prevents the soft mild pipe steel from becoming brittle and cracking. The constant expansion and shrinkage due to cold and warmth cycling in the pipe could create structural integrity problems, but these are held in check by the insulating wrap. On a much smaller scale, household pipes can be prevented from becoming cold and breaking by the use of electrical heating tape. 2.2 Theory Test 2.2.1 Tensile Test A tensile test, also known as tension test is the most fundamental type of mechanical test one can perform on the material. This tests are simple, relatively inexpensive, and fully standardized. By pulling on something, one will determine how the material will react to forces being applied in tension. As the material is being pulled, one will find its strength along with how much it will elongate. The objective of conducting Tensile test until the material breaks or rupture is to obtain a complete tensile profile. A curve will result showing how it reacted to the forces being applied. The point of failure is of much interest and is typically called the Ultimate Strength or UTS on the Stress vs Strain diagram. The total of 4 samples of mild steel plate were prepared for this test purposed where all the samples were machined following the standardized dimension given. Stress vs Strain Diagram 2.2.2 Hardness Test Rockwell hardness testing is a general method for measuring the bulk hardness of metallic and polymer materials. Although hardness testing does not give a direct measurement of any performance properties, hardness correlates with strength, wear resistance, and other properties. Hardness testing is widely used for material evaluation due to its simplicity and low cost relative to direct measurement of many properties. This method consists of indenting the test material with a diamond cone or hardened steel ball indenter. Only 1 samples of mild steel material plate was prepared for this type of test as this test only required 1 samples indent 10 data on that 1 samples. 2.2.3 Impact Test The impact properties of samples were measured using the standardized dimension from the strength lab that had been acquired from the lab technician. Then the samples that had complete the machining process will have to undergo two test which are Charpy test and Izod test. These two test were meant to measure the the amount of energy absorbed by a material during fracture. This absorbed energy is a measure of a given materials notch toughness and acts as a tool to study temperature-dependent ductile-brittle transition. The only distinctive differences between the charpy and izod lies in the way that the specimen are supported in the apparatus machine. 2.2.4 Microstructure Observation In Microstructure observation, the samples of mild steel plate will be observed under the microscope in order to monitor the microstructure of the specimen. Before the observation start, the sample will have to be prepared by first grinding the sample with grit sand paper starting from 240, 320, 400, 600 and lastly 1200. After that the sample will be polished by using either powder or paste depend on which is more suitable. Only after all these process were done we can start observe the microstructure under the microscope starting from 5x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 50x and etc.
Monday, January 20, 2020
An Analysis of Jack Londons To Build a Fire :: London To Build a Fire Essays
An Analysis of Jack London's To Build a Fire In her cultural criticism of Jack London's "To Build a Fire", Jill Widdicombe explores the question of whether the story's protagonist might have perished from the extreme cold of the Klondike winter even if with a traveling companion. She describes the brutality of the winter weather and, alluding to the man's confidence in his ability to survive the weather, describes it as "behavior most of us can understand" - especially if we are accustomed to warmer surroundings. She states: "the extreme cold of frosty landscapes--or "The White Silence", as London describes it--is so quiet and abstract that it does not immediately appear to be lethal". As the plot unfolds, I feel the story's protagonist falls victim to several factors brought into play at once: his inexperience with the severity of the Klondike winters, his inability to envision the possible consequences of his decision to travel alone in such weather, a series of unfortunate events during his trip, and the misjudgment exercised in his attempts to survive those incidents. Though quick and alert, the man's lack of imagination renders him unable to visualize what might happen to a man traveling without a companion should adverse circumstances arise in such severe weather in an uninhabited landscape. When he indeed finds himself in dire straits as a result of getting wet in the brutal freezing weather, he once again fails to imagine how quickly the cold will threaten his life and consequently misjudges the severity of his situation. His poor judgment causes him to make one mistake after another until he finds himself incapable of extricating himself from his situation . It seems obvious that had he made himself more familiar with the culture of the land and paid attention to the warnings of the old-timer on Sulpher Creek, he might have chosen to delay his trip and live to travel another day. Had he understood the importance of fostering a relationship with the dog, a native Husky with inbred instincts regarding the native climate, the dog would have interacted differently with him, maybe warning him of the danger of the weather through its actions or perhaps providing help, either by sharing its body heat or by going for help. However, instead he held little regard for the dog and the dog reciprocated: "there was no keen intimacy between the dog and the man.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Mice Of Men Chap 3 Analysis Essay
1) At first George tells the other, him and Lennie are cousins, this shows he is a bit ashamed of Lennie, and tries to find an excuse for looking after him. Later on when George and Slim are talking, George admits the reason how he became involved in Lennie and tells Slim a story about when he told Lennie to jump into the Sacramento River. Steinbeck describes this phrase as †George’s voice was taking on a tone of confession†Steinbeck was his readers to know that George regrets his actions and the fact that he has a â€Å"tone of confession†shows he isn’t proud that he has control over Lennie, instead he feels bad that he used his superiority in a destructive way. 2) When Lennie comes back into the room, Steinbeck describes the way he speaks as â€Å"breathlessly†when he says â€Å"He’s brown an’ white jus’ like I wanted†, Lennie image appears like a child, since just like a child Lennie is excited with the puppies. Slim is watching Lennie’s actions as he hides the puppy from George, which shows Slim Lennie’s lack of maturity. 3) Carlson is persistent in wanting to shoot Candy’s dog, on page 71 he says †‘he don’t have fun’ Carlson persisted ‘and he stinks to beat hell'†This tells us that Carlson’s is manipulating Candy by making out the dog is really suffering and pretending to be compassionate when really he only wants the Dog shot because it stinks. Also since he thinks that the dog is better of dead unlike Candy is he realistic rather than sentimental and thinks it’s best for the dog that way. Then Slim agrees with George and says †that dog ain’t no good to himself†Slim also offers to give Candy one of the puppies, this shows Slim is caring for both the old dog and Candy and unlike Carlson isn’t wanting the dog to die because he stinks. 4) When Curley picks to fight with Lennie rather than George or anyone not as strong, tells us as readers a lot about Curley. Any other bully would be realistic and go for a smaller guy, yet Curley has a very strong and domineering personality but is also short which makes him resent himself for being short and takes it out on big guys- like Lennie. This is a way of Curley making himself look big, since he hates being the small guy. 5) When Curley and Lennie are fighting, Lennie at first lets Curley hit him even though Lennie’s in pain; he does this for George’s sake and doesn’t want to get into anymore trouble. Whilst Curley is hitting Lennie, Lennie cries for George’s help, he says â€Å"make um’ stop George†this again reinforces Lennie’s relations with George, we can see that he relies a lot on George when he needs help just like a child would. Curley decides to go along with the story that he got his hand caught in a machine, instead of saying what really happened. This is because Curley is ashamed of being the loser in the fight and doesn’t want people to know what Lennie did to him because it will make people think he’s weak.
Friday, January 3, 2020
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